Sunday, March 7, 2010

Decision Time

I have been reading this book by Leo Tolstoy called “The Kingdom of God is Within You.” I have only made it through the first 30 pages because it has brought me to a place that demands a decision. I have to stare the ideas that have been put before me in the face and decide what I will do with them. I don’t take these decisions lightly and I mull them over for periods of time before they are either discarded or acclimated to my worldview.

Tolstoy looks at the world through the eyes of non-resistance. It’s a non-violent approach to life and to Christianity. I’ve heard people speak against war and in favor of forgiveness but this is something different. Maybe I haven’t heard them yet because I haven’t lived long enough, or perhaps it’s because they are rarely spoken.

Tolstoy is the man who would say that Christ demands that our forgiveness reach outside the confines of our culture to an expression that brings the Kingdom of God to earth. In the common and accepted expression of our times it would go something like this; you stole my money so I’ll have you tried by a jury of your peers and locked away. While you are incarcerated I will work towards an inner forgiveness of your offenses against me and I will pray that you find forgiveness from God. Happens everyday right? But what if it went more like this; you stole money from me-I forgive you.

People wrong us. They hurt those that we love and they take the things that we have worked hard for. How should we respond as followers of Christ? Having someone arrested and locked up is just the norm. It’s what we do here in America when someone does something wrong. If you end up in jail then you got there because you did something to deserve it. If we bomb your country it’s because you bombed ours first. Even Christians can support that right?

It’s really amazing me how incompatible these widely accepted ideas are with the Gospel of Christ. Loving your enemies, turning the other cheek, casting the first stone and the list goes on. I know there are some examples that would support our current ideas in the Old Testament but what about under the New Law? The law of grace where you come as you are? How has this blatant contradiction escaped the church’s attention and even my attention as a devout Christian? I almost think it may not be present because it is never introduced! Maybe embracing total love and forgiveness just costs too much. Is it just too hard to care about a stranger as much we do our own loved ones? Of course I naturally care more about my sister than I do the man who might try to attack her on her way to her car. Would I lock that man up to keep my sister from harm? What if I loved them both equally and saw them both as children of God?

What did Christ mean by forgiving those who trespass against us?

So here I am again at this wall. Do I climb over to start a new life on the other side? I could always turn around and forget that I ever saw it. Either way, a decision has to be made.


  1. The pure struggle of accepting this teaching for our own life is tremendously sobering yet absolutely necessary for the current day Christian who desires to be satisfied in Christ. The struggle reminds me of the response from the disciples upon hearing Jesus' teaching on "eating/drinking His flesh/blood" in John 6. The disciples responded with, "This is a hard teaching, who can accept it"?... and scripture said many people left Jesus after this teaching (Lord, let that not be our response). But how freeing it becomes for us and our own joy when we begin to forgive and love others in the way you are talking about. Beginning to offer this irrational, unconditional kind of love and forgiveness enables us to begin to more deeply, truly understand a little more the depth of the love, grace, and forgiveness that Jesus Christ offers us! Great, thought provoking and challenging post! :)

  2. Wow Jason...I never thought of that John 6 passage but you are right on. It is a hard teaching.

  3. I believe that this is the only way a person can find inner peace is to forgive those who have tresspassed against us! It is extremely hard though in cases where a loved one has been raped or murdered, etc. I believe that people have the desire to see the wrong doer "pay". What you have to remember is that it is not your job or my job to make them pay, but it is in the lord's hands. I do however believe that to have a semblance of peace in a society, we have to have laws, based on god's laws, i.e. thou shall not steal. That's where I come in, enforcing the laws man has made based on god's laws!
