Monday, November 15, 2010

The Five Freedoms

I ran across this is a support group at one of my clinicals recently and I thought it was really good. I actually learned a lot about myself as I was forced to participate! :) I added some of my own comments in just for fun! What do you think?

The Five Freedoms
1. The freedom to see and hear what is here and now, rather than what was, will be, or "should" be.
   What were/are you supposed to pretend and what is the truth?

2. The freedom to think what I think instead of what I "should" think
What were/are you supposed to think and what do you really think?

3. The freedom to feel what I feel instead of what I "should" feel
How were/are you supposed to feel? How do you really feel?

4. The freedom to want what I want instead of what I "should" want
What things are you supposed to want? What do you really want?

5. The freedom to create my true self instead of playing a role or playing it safe.
What role do you play in your family/community? What role do you want to play?

I really think that growing up as kids we get these ideas from our parents and from our influences that tell us what we should be or how we are. I don't think that's always bad. We shouldn't lie or steal even if we feel like doing it. But some of the things we are told are just straight up lies. Maybe your needs really weren't being met as a kid even though your parents kept telling you that you were lucky to have all that you did. We work towards either being who we want to be or getting rid of those lies that shape our thoughts about ourselves. I think this process starts with realizing who you are, right now.  So how do you really feel and what do you really want? What is the truth?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The God of Nature

So, I guess there was this study done in England and the results showed that being in green places and being in nature actually had a positive impact on the health of the poor people in that country. This was an NPR story and the person who was commenting also mentioned that there seems to be a correlation between access to green space and spirituality. The more green space, the deeper the spiritual connection. I love this and find it to be true in my own life. I really connect with God through nature. Seeing His creations speaks to me about God's existence. I think it's interesting that as the world's people become more and more surrounded by things that are human made, we begin to forget God. We forget the majesty of the mountains and the grandeur of the glacial when we are tucked safely away in our cookie cutter houses. We become separate from God's creations and become more intimate with our own. As we become more wrapped up in what humans can do, we become more consumed with our own abilities and begin to look into ourselves for answers.  This connection between our surroundings and our inner workings is fascinating.